Archive for » June, 2011 «

In Case You Hadn’t Heard… James Richard Verone Is Not Crazy

I’m always online.  Due to that fact, I read alot of stuff.  You know what they say, don’t believe everything you hear online, but some things are just too good not to repeat.  With that being said, I’d like to introduce a new little installment to this blog entitled,  “In Case You Hadn’t Heard…”.  My goal is to spark discussion on newsworthy items that you may or may not have read about recently. Today’s installment is a news item straight from our NC backyard that has been getting some worldwide attention recently.  When I first read the story, I thought I [ ... ]

I’m Just Saying…

So I went to watch the new Green Lantern movie last night… I thought it was terrible!  Who spends their entire movie time using their superpowers trying to get laid?  Anyhoo. The special effects were on point though, and I give the movie one kudo point for the throwback comparison to one of my favorite video games of all time, Sinistar.  The whole time while watching the movie, all I could think of was Parallax is about to say it!  C’mon!  Run, Coward!  I Hunger!  But I’m just saying.  I grabbed some screenshots and photoshopped them together.  You tell me [ ... ]

Late to the Pody

So I finally broke down and got an iPod.  Yeah, yeah I know I’m only a decade late, so sue me.  But in this day and age of netbooks, tablets and super smart phones, I never felt it necessary to need more gadgetry in my already stuffed front pockets.  ESPECIALLY, since the functions of said gadget was already incorporated into one of the other things being lugged around. See, when it comes to change with all things music, I’m always hesitant to jump on the latest greatest thing.  I mean why change something that ain’t broken!  I never wanted to give [ ... ]

Sleeping Tiger, Hidden Dragon

*YAWN*  Hi.  So, I guess I have decided to jump start this whole blogging thing again.  I originally thought I’d keep up a site that would be a collection of my odd ideas, interesting thoughts, epic topics of debates,  good music and just plain old cool shit that I’m sure no one else cares about besides me, but then something strange happened right as I was getting into the swing of things… I lost my voice. Well I didn’t lose it, I just found myself in a self-imposed writer’s funk.  My sis had just died on the eve of my 35th [ ... ]

The Decision

If you missed ESPN’s televised special on Danny Byers’ decision, here is the transcript of Jim Gray’s conversation with Danny :     Thank you very much. Everybody is on pins and needles across the country, particularly those schools who are in the running for Danny Byers. Are you ready to go Danny? Where is the powder? Left it at home. What’s new? What’s been going on with you this summer? Man, this whole going back to school process, looking forward to it. What have you thought about this process? This process has been everything I’ve thought and more. And that’s what I [ ... ]